Type Definition for Enumeration Keys
Monday, November 23, 2020
Type Definition for Enumeration Keys
Challenge: what is the proper type definition for an array of keys of an enumeration (enum)?
For example, let's say I have an enum and then declare a keys
constant using Object.keys()
on the enum:
enum Direction {
const keys = Object.keys(Direction);
It seems that the inferred type using the TypeScript version 4.0.5 compiler is string[]
, which is close, but not exactly what I want.
Typeof Operator
You may already be familiar with the typeof
operator in JavaScript. The operator returns a type string of the unevaluated operand. For example:
const user = {
firstName: 'Brian'
votes: 10
type a = typeof user.firstName; // 'string'
In the code above the typeof
operator returns the string string
, which is then assigned to a new a
type. This type is inferred as a string
as expected.
Keyof Type Operator
The keyof
type operator returns a union type of all keys of a another type. Let's look an example:
interface User {
firstName: string;
votes: number;
type a = keyof User; // 'firstName' | 'votes'
The new a
type is an indexed type union of the keys (properties) of the User
interface. We could have manually defined the type as:
type a = 'firstName' | 'votes';
The potential problem occurs when we add a new property to our User
interface. We would then need to update our a
type accordingly.
Typeof and Keyof
Now, we can bring these two concepts together.
const user = {
firstName: 'Brian',
votes: 10
type a = keyof typeof user; // 'firstName' | 'votes'
Using both the keyof
and typeof
operators we can define a new a
type that is an indexed type union of the keys (properties) of the user
Finally, we can use this same approach for type coercion of the keys of an enumeration.
Code Examples
strict type coercion
enum Direction {
const keys = Object.keys(Direction) as Array<keyof typeof Direction>; // 'Up' | 'Down'
loose type inferencing
enum Direction {
const keys = Object.keys(Direction); // string[]
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