Writing Jest Tests That Expects An Error To Be Thrown
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Writing Jest Tests That Expects An Error To Be Thrown
Jest has some tools for expecting an error to be thrown, but it's a bit confusing how to call it.
The confusing part is if you simply call the function you expect to throw, the error will actually throw on the call stack, causing your test to fail.
The Jest API actually expects you to wrap the function you wish to call in another function when using toThrowError()
Code Examples
This will pass
function assertString(x: string): asserts x is string {
if (typeof x !== 'string) {
throw new Error('assertString failed.');
describe('assertString', () => {
test('it should throw if called with a non-string', () => {
expect(() => assertString(42)).toThrowError('assertString failed');
This will fail
function assertString(x: string): asserts x is string {
if (typeof x !== 'string) {
throw new Error('assertString failed.');
describe('assertString', () => {
test('it should throw if called with a non-string', () => {
expect(assertString(42)).toThrowError('assertString failed');
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